Friday, 27 May 2011

My final Design

 After a very hefty sketchbook of designs, samples and development I reached my final design idea, here is a painted illustration of the design.

 I am also required to Photoshop my ideas which after months of perseverance getting to grips with Photoshop led me to this version of my design with views from different angles.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

My Experimentation With Surface Textile Techniques

As part of this project I have learnt various different surface textiles techniques such as Felting, Devore, Foil print and Laser cutting. Foil print is created by applying a glue to fabric in a pattern using a textile screen and then placing a sheet of metallic foil over the top and pressing it at a high heat, over 200 degrees to stick the foil to the glue. This is an example of a star foil print I created which I would like to use in my final design. 

The other technique which I particularly liked was Devore, this is a process where an acid is applied to a garment through a  textiles screen creating a pattern, the acid then eats away the natural fibres leaving a gauze like fabric and the areas without acid are raised creating a patterned fabric. This is an image of one of my samples. I would like to use this a technique in my final design.

My Current Project

I am currently creating a dress which I have designed myself as part of my fashion degree. My brief was a space and galaxy theme, it also involved ethical views and points of views.  I have been working on this since January 2011, im now in full swing of making my vision and ideas come to life by creating the dress I have designed. My customer is  Esmè a 23 year old working professional see The Esmè brand page for my customer profile:
This image was the inspiration for my final design by Stephane Guisard, I was drawn to the colourways of this image and how well they worked together.
From this image I then created a mood board to demonstrate the themes and colours I wanted to include in my garment.