Saturday, 11 June 2011

And The Dress Is Complete!!

So I have now completed my dress and I must say I am rather pleased with the finished result if not sick of the sight of a it a little after working on it day in day out for so long. The dreaded invisible zip was not half as bad as I expected although it did take several attempts but I got there in the end and I am pleased to present the finished article....

It isn't the best quality picture in the world but it gives you an idea, I hope to get some better pictures of my model wearing it down the catwalk.

 I particularly like the buttons I have found for the cuffs as I think the cream and gold matches the dress well. My favourite aspect of the dress has to be the devore sleeves and the cuffs I think the burgundy and cream works so well together and the fabrics also work well alongside each other. It is a great relief to finally have my first Esmè Piece complete and I hope you have enjoyed following my journey through this project and discovering the Esmè brand.

1 comment:

  1. Your dress is looking good Chloe - you were brave using chiffon, it's not the easiest thing to use but it's worked well. I don't think any other fabric would have draped quite so nicely and still shown your foil underneath. Your blog is so incredibly comprehensive! Lots of information on your garment, the Esme brand and related products & services x
